Frequently asked questions

GPT-4 has produced a bunch of FAQ pairs. Some are good; some are very wrong. We tried to delete all misleading information manually.

Note that GPT-4 has typically used the term “garbage collector” (GC) for Nim’s automatic memory management. For Nim 2.0 (and 1.6.x as well), Nim supports the fully deterministic ARC/ORC memory management as well, which avoids many of the issues of traditional garbage collectors like pauses or large executable sizes due to a run-time system. And GPT-4 uses for Nim a few times the term “borrow checking”, which is a prominent technique for Rust but may not be fully implemented in Nim. For details, consult the latest version of the Nim compiler manual.

How compares Nim to C?
Nim offers a higher-level, more expressive syntax than C while maintaining similar performance. It also provides optional automatic memory management, metaprogramming, and a more extensive standard library, making it easier to write concise and efficient code.
How compares Nim to C++?
Nim’s syntax is cleaner and more expressive than C++, with optional automatic memory management and powerful metaprogramming features. However, Nim compiles to C, C++, or JavaScript, allowing it to leverage the performance and portability of C++.
How compares Nim to D-lang?
Nim and D are both systems programming languages that aim to improve upon C and C++. While Nim compiles to C, C++, or JavaScript, D has its own native compiler. Nim has a more Python-like syntax, while D’s syntax is closer to C++. Both offer metaprogramming and garbage collection, but Nim has stronger cross-compilation support.
How compares Nim to Go-lang?
Nim and Go are both designed for simplicity and performance. Nim offers more powerful metaprogramming features and a Python-inspired syntax, while Go focuses on a minimalistic design and built-in concurrency support with goroutines. Go has a larger community and ecosystem, but Nim is gaining traction.
How compares Nim to Java?
Nim is a systems programming language, while Java is designed for application development. Nim has a more Python-like syntax and compiles to C, C++, or JavaScript. Java runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which can impact performance compared to languages that compile to native code.
How compares Nim to JavaScript?
Nim compiles to JavaScript, enabling it to run in web browsers. However, Nim offers a more expressive, statically-typed syntax and performance benefits over JavaScript due to its compiled nature.
How compares Nim to Python?
Nim shares Python’s clean syntax but offers superior performance due to its compiled nature. It also features powerful metaprogramming capabilities and a more extensive standard library. Nim is statically typed, while Python is a dynamically-typed scripting language.
How compares Nim to Julia?
Nim and Julia are both high-performance languages with a focus on simplicity and readability. Julia is specifically designed for scientific computing and data analysis, while Nim is a general-purpose language with applications ranging from systems programming to web development. Nim compiles to C, C++, or JavaScript, while Julia uses the LLVM compiler to generate native code. Nim’s syntax is more similar to Python, while Julia’s syntax is influenced by MATLAB.
How compares Nim to Zig?
Nim and Zig are both focused on performance and safety but differ in their syntax and features. Nim offers a higher-level, Python-like syntax, an optional garbage collector, and metaprogramming, while Zig is more minimalistic and emphasizes manual memory management.
How compares Nim to Rust?
Both Nim and Rust prioritize performance and safety. Rust enforces strict memory safety guarantees through its ownership system, while Nim opts for garbage collection with optional borrow checking. Nim’s syntax is closer to Python, while Rust’s is more similar to C++.
How compares Nim to Crystal?
Nim and Crystal are both statically-typed, high-performance languages with clean, easy-to-read syntax. Crystal is inspired by Ruby, while Nim’s syntax is more similar to Python. Nim offers more powerful metaprogramming and compiles to multiple target languages, while Crystal compiles to native code using the LLVM compiler.
How compares Nim to C#?
Nim offers a more expressive syntax, compiles to native code for better performance, and provides powerful metaprogramming features. C# is a popular language for the .NET ecosystem, emphasizing object-oriented programming and integration with Microsoft technologies.
How compares Nim to Swift?
Nim and Swift both offer clean syntax and focus on performance. Swift is primarily used for Apple platform development, while Nim is a general-purpose language with broader cross-compilation support and powerful metaprogramming capabilities.

Other questions

Why is Nim fast?
Nim is fast because it compiles to efficient C, C++, or JavaScript code, allowing it to leverage the optimizations provided by those languages’ compilers. Additionally, Nim’s syntax and features promote efficient programming practices, and its strong static type system offers various optimization features, such as compile-time evaluation and inline function calls.
Why is Nim safe?
Nim is safe due to its strong static type system, which helps catch errors at compile-time, reducing the chance of runtime errors. Additionally, Nim has built-in safety features like garbage collection, bounds checking, and optional use of a borrow checker for increased safety.
Why is Nim easy to learn?
Nim’s easy-to-learn nature comes from its clean, readable syntax and similarity to languages like Python. It also has a comprehensive standard library and a growing ecosystem of third-party libraries, making it easy to find resources for learning and development.
Why is Nim considered one of the best programming languages?
While “best” is subjective, Nim has gained popularity for its combination of performance, safety, and ease of use. Its flexibility and ability to compile to multiple target languages, and powerful metaprogramming capabilities also contribute to its reputation.
Is Nim a transpiler?
Nim is not a transpiler in the traditional sense; rather, it is a compiler that generates C, C++, or JavaScript code, which is then compiled by the respective language’s compiler.
Why does the Nim compiler generate no machine code directly?
The Nim compiler generates C, C++, or JavaScript code to leverage the performance optimizations and portability of those languages’ compilers. This allows Nim to benefit from the vast ecosystem and ongoing developments in those languages.
How old is Nim?
Nim’s development began in 2005, and it was initially released in 2008 as “Nimrod” before being renamed to “Nim” in 2014.
Why is Nim less used compared to other popular languages like Python,
JavaScript, or Rust?
Nim is a relatively young language compared to Python and JavaScript, and it is still gaining traction. Additionally, the popularity of a language is influenced by various factors, such as community support, existing libraries, and the availability of learning resources.
Is Nim as fast and secure as Rust?
Nim and Rust both prioritize performance and safety. While Rust emphasizes memory safety without a garbage collector, Nim uses optional automatic memory management with optional borrow checking. Nim’s performance is comparable to Rust’s, but the level of security may vary depending on the specific use case and programming practices.
Which learning resources are available for Nim?
There are several learning resources available for Nim, including official documentation, tutorials, online forums, blog posts, and videos. Additionally, there are books and courses available for learning Nim.
Has Nim been successfully used for larger software projects?
Yes, Nim has been used in various large-scale projects, including web servers, compilers, video games, and scientific computing applications.
What are the most popular programs that have been written in Nim?
Some popular programs written in Nim include the Nim compiler itself, an alternative Twitter front-end (nitter), and various web servers, games, and libraries.
Does Nim support mobile devices like Android and iPhone?
Nim can be used to develop applications for both Android and iOS by compiling to C or C++ and using platform-specific frameworks.
Can Nim be used to program microcontrollers?
Yes, Nim can be used to program microcontrollers by compiling to C or C++ and interfacing with the appropriate hardware libraries.
Can Nim be used to program desktop applications?
Nim is suitable for developing desktop applications and supports various GUI libraries and frameworks to simplify the process.
Can Nim be used to program web applications?
Yes, Nim can be used to develop both server-side and client-side web applications by compiling to C, C++, or JavaScript and using appropriate web frameworks and libraries.
Why does Nim use pragmas?
Nim uses pragmas to provide compiler directives and annotations. Pragmas allow developers to customize the behavior of the compiler for specific code blocks or modules, enabling better control over the compilation process.
Why does Nim have a garbage collector?
Nim includes a garbage collector to simplify memory management and prevent memory leaks, which are common in languages without garbage collection. This feature improves safety and reduces the complexity of manual memory management, making Nim easier to work with.
How does Nim manage memory and resources?
Nim uses garbage collection to automatically manage memory, freeing developers from manual memory management tasks. Additionally, Nim provides features like destructors and the defer statement for resource management, ensuring that resources are released when they are no longer needed. Nim version 2.0 also supports fully deterministic, automatic memory management by the ARC and ORC memory handling.
Can Nim create small binaries?
Yes, Nim can create small binaries by allowing developers to control what is included in the final binary, using features like dead-code elimination, and through the use of efficient C, C++, or JavaScript compilers.
Will Nim become a popular language?
While it’s impossible to predict the future with certainty, Nim has gained traction and a growing community due to its combination of performance, safety, and ease of use. As more developers adopt Nim and contribute to its ecosystem, its popularity may continue to grow.
Which alternatives to Nim exist?
Some alternative programming languages with similar goals include Rust, Go, D, Zig, Crystal, and Julia. The best choice depends on your specific needs and preferences.
Which other programming languages should I try instead of Nim?
It depends on your specific requirements and interests. Some popular languages to consider include Rust, Go, Python, JavaScript, C++, Java, and Swift.
Can Nim replace all other programming languages?
No programming language can replace all others, as each language has its unique strengths and weaknesses. Nim is an excellent choice for many use cases due to its performance, safety, and ease of use, but other languages may be more suitable for specific tasks or projects.
Can Nim be used to write an OS kernel?
Yes, Nim can be used to write an OS kernel by compiling to C or C++ and using low-level system programming features provided by the language.
Can Nim use C libraries without overhead?
Nim can interface with C libraries with minimal overhead using its foreign function interface (FFI). This allows developers to leverage existing C libraries and code in their Nim projects.
Does Nim support threading and parallel processing well?
Yes, Nim provides built-in support for threading and parallel processing through its standard library, making it easy to develop concurrent and parallel applications.
Does Nim support incremental compilation and hot code reloading?
Nim does not yet directly support incremental compilation, but it is planned for version 2.2 or later. Hot code reloading is not built into the language itself, but some libraries and frameworks may provide this functionality.
Which GUI libraries exist for Nim?
There are several GUI libraries available for Nim, including IUP, Gtk, Qt, and Nuklear, which can be used to develop cross-platform desktop applications.
Does Nim support Windows, Linux, and macOS?
Yes, Nim supports all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, thanks to its ability to compile to C, C++, and JavaScript.
Does Nim have a package manager?
Yes, Nim has a package manager called Nimble, which simplifies the process of installing and managing third-party libraries. Other, alternative package managers like Nimph exist as well.
Can I create games in Nim?
Yes, Nim can be used to develop games using various game development libraries and frameworks, such as SDL2, Godot, or Raylib.
Is Nim still actively developed?
Yes, Nim is actively developed and maintained by a community of contributors.
How many people or companies are using Nim?
While it’s difficult to estimate the exact number of Nim users, the language has a community of developers and companies that contribute to its ecosystem and develop projects using Nim.
Which companies support Nim?
Several companies use Nim for their projects or contribute to the Nim ecosystem, including Status.im.
Which books exist for Nim?
There are several books available for learning Nim, including “Nim in Action” by Dominik Picheta and “Mastering Nim” by Andreas Rumpf. Additinal, there are two tiny books recently published by Jeffery Owens. Finally, there is the book of Dr. Salewski available at https://nimprogrammingbook.com/.
Why is Nim easy?
Nim is easy because it has a clean and expressive syntax, similar to Python, which makes the code easy to read and write. It also includes features like garbage collection and a rich standard library, simplifying common tasks for developers.
Why is Nim the best programming language?
While “best” is subjective, Nim offers a unique combination of performance, safety, and readability. Its syntax is clean and familiar, and it compiles to C, C++, or JavaScript, allowing it to leverage existing libraries and toolchains. These features make Nim an excellent choice for many use cases.
How does Nim compare to Rust?
Nim and Rust are both modern languages focused on performance and safety. Nim has a Python-like syntax and compiles to C, C++, or JavaScript, while Rust has its own unique syntax and compiles directly to machine code. Rust emphasizes memory safety without a garbage collector, while Nim uses garbage collection with optional borrow checking. Performance is generally comparable between the two, but specific use cases and programming practices may affect the relative safety of each language.
How does Nim handle metaprogramming?
Nim supports metaprogramming through the use of macros and templates, allowing developers to write code that generates or manipulates other code at compile-time. This feature can be used to reduce boilerplate, implement domain-specific languages, and optimize code.
Does Nim support functional programming?
Yes, Nim supports functional programming concepts, such as first-class functions, closures, and higher-order functions. While Nim is primarily an imperative language, it allows developers to use functional programming paradigms when appropriate.
How does Nim handle error handling and exceptions?
Nim provides exception handling with the try, except, finally, and raise constructs, allowing developers to manage errors in a structured way. Additionally, Nim supports the Result type, which can be used for error handling without exceptions, following a more functional approach.
Can Nim compile to WebAssembly?
Yes, Nim can compile to WebAssembly (Wasm) through the use of Emscripten or other compatible C-to-Wasm compilers. This allows developers to create high-performance web applications using Nim.
How is Nim’s performance compared to Python or JavaScript?
Nim’s performance is generally significantly better than Python or JavaScript due to its efficient C, C++, or JavaScript code generation and strong static type system. However, the specific performance differences depend on the use case and implementation details.
What kinds of applications are best suited for Nim?
Nim is well-suited for a wide range of applications, including systems programming, game development, web development, scientific computing, and more. Its combination of performance, safety, and readability make it a versatile choice for various projects.
How does Nim handle dependency management?
Nim’s package manager, Nimble, handles dependency management for projects. Developers can use Nimble to install, update, or remove third-party libraries and their dependencies, streamlining the development process.
Can Nim be used for serverless computing?
Yes, Nim can be used for serverless computing by compiling Nim applications to a binary or JavaScript target, which can then be deployed to serverless platforms like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, or Azure Functions.
Are there any web frameworks available for Nim?
Yes, there are several web frameworks available for Nim, such as Jester, Prologue, and Rosencrantz. These frameworks provide routing, middleware, and other features to help developers build web applications using Nim.
Can I use Nim for data science or machine learning?
While Nim does not currently have the same extensive ecosystem for data science and machine learning as languages like Python or R, there are libraries available for these tasks, such as Arraymancer (a tensor library) and Scinim (a scientific computing library). As Nim’s ecosystem continues to grow, its applicability to data science and machine learning may increase.
How can I support the Nim project?
You can support the Nim project by contributing code, reporting bugs, writing documentation, creating tutorials, or donating to the project. Participating in community forums, Discord, and IRC channels also helps in promoting the language.
How does the Nim compiler’s versioning scheme work?
Nim follows Semantic Versioning (SemVer), using a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format. Breaking changes increase the MAJOR version, new features without breaking changes increase the MINOR version, and bug fixes increase the PATCH version. Odd minor version numbers like 1.5.x indicate development versions, while even numbers like 1.6.x mark stable releases.
Why is Nim case/underscore insensitive?
Nim’s case- and underscore-insensitivity promotes a consistent coding style, known as “Nim style”, and allow for more flexible variable naming without causing conflicts or confusion.
Where can I find code examples?
You can find Nim code examples in the official documentation, GitHub repositories, community forums, and various tutorials, books, and blog posts. The Nim Playground is also a useful resource for trying out code snippets.
Why are unsigned types discouraged?
Unsigned types can cause unexpected behavior due to wrap-around on overflow. Nim encourages using signed types to avoid these issues and simplify error handling.
Why are tabs forbidden?
Tabs are forbidden in Nim to enforce a consistent coding style and eliminate potential issues related to mixed indentation.
Is Nim unsafe?
Nim is designed with safety in mind, offering features like garbage collection, type inference, and compile-time checks. However, it also allows low-level operations and interfacing with C/C++ libraries, which could introduce unsafe behavior if not used cautiously.
What is the Zen of Nim?
The Zen of Nim is a collection of guiding principles and philosophies behind the design and development of the Nim programming language. It emphasizes simplicity, readability, and practicality.
Why does Nim generate C/C++ code?
Nim generates C/C++ code to leverage existing compiler optimizations and provide high-performance executables while maintaining a clean, high-level syntax. The C and C++ backends make interaction with C libraries and C code very easy.
Where can I find the results of the Nim Community Survey?
Nim Community Survey Results are typically published on the Nim blog Blog after each survey period. You can find past survey results and insights there. The last survey is available at Nim Community Survey 2020 Results.
Is Nim a virus or malware?
No, Nim is a legitimate programming language and not a virus or malware. However, as with any language, malicious code can be written in Nim. Always exercise caution when downloading or running unknown code or executables.
Why yet another programming language?
Nim was created to combine the performance of low-level languages like C/C++ with the expressiveness of high-level languages like Python. Its unique blend of features, including metaprogramming and cross-compilation, sets it apart from other languages.
How stable is Nim?
Nim’s latest stable release is 1.6.12 (MAR 2023) and is suitable for use in production. Its development follows Semantic Versioning, ensuring compatibility between releases. Version 2.0.0 RC2 (release candidate) is available since 31 March 2023, final version 2.0 will be released soon.
How about security and memory safety?
Nim is designed with safety in mind, offering features like garbage collection, type inference, and compile-time checks. However, low-level operations and interfacing with C/C++ libraries may introduce unsafe behavior if not used cautiously.
How is Nim licensed?
Nim is licensed under the MIT License, which is a permissive open-source license allowing for free use, modification, and distribution of the language.
What about JVM/CLR backends?
Nim currently compiles to C, C++, and JavaScript, but efforts are being made to add support for other backends like JVM and CLR. An LLVM backend is available at LLVM-based compiler for the Nim language.
What about editor support?
Nim has editor support for popular text editors like Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code. Plugins and extensions are available to provide syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and other features.
What about IDE support?
There is no official IDE for Nim, but some IDEs, like JetBrains’ CLion with a Nim plugin, can be used for Nim development. Additionally, Visual Studio Code can be configured to provide an IDE-like experience.
What have been the major influences on the language’s design?
Nim’s design is influenced by languages like Python, Lisp, ADA, Pascal (Modula/Oberon), and Haskell. It aims to combine performance, expressiveness, and simplicity.
Why is the term “proc” used?
In Nim, “proc” is short for “procedure.” It is used to define functions or methods, similar to how “def” or “function” is used in other languages.
Which option should I use for the fastest executable?
To optimize for speed, use the -d:release or –opt:speed flag when compiling your Nim code. This enables optimizations in the generated C/C++ code.
Which option should I use for the smallest executable?
To optimize for a smaller executable, use the -d:release and –opt:size flags when compiling your Nim code.
How do I use a different C compiler than the default one?
You can use a different C compiler by passing the –cc flag followed by the compiler name when invoking nim. For example, nim c –cc:gcc myfile.nim.
Why does Nim use spaces for indents instead of tabs?
Nim uses spaces for indentation to enforce a consistent coding style and eliminate potential issues related to mixed indentation.
Why does Nim use a garbage collector?
Nim uses a garbage collector to simplify memory management, allowing developers to focus on writing code without worrying about manual memory allocation and deallocation. Nim 2.0 supports with the ARC/ORC system automatic, deterministic memory management, which avoids typical disadvantages of traditional garbage collectors, including delays or any form of overhead.
Can I make expressions like x == a or x == b shorter?
Yes, you can use Nim’s in operator with an array constructor like: x in [a, b].
var x = 1.2
echo x in [1.0, 1.2, 3.0] # true
Can I write expressions like a <= x and x <= b shorter?
Yes, you can use Nim’s in operator with ranges like: x in a .. b.
var x = 1.2
echo x in 1.0 .. 2.0 # true
Can I use tabs instead of spaces?
Tabs are forbidden in Nim to enforce a consistent coding style and eliminate potential issues related to mixed indentation.
Can I use curly braces instead of indentation?
Nim does not support curly braces for block delimiters. It uses indentation to define code blocks, similar to Python.
What is the difference between a statement and an expression?
A statement is an instruction that performs an action, while an expression is a piece of code that evaluates to a value.
How to leave nested for/while loops?
You can use labeled blocks and the break keyword to exit nested loops:
block outerLoop:
 for a in itemsA:
  for b in itemsB:
    if someCondition(a, b):
      break outerLoop

block myblock: # output is 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:1,
  for a in 1 .. 9:
    for b in 1 .. 3:
      stdout.write a, ":", b, ", "
      if a > 2:
        break myblock
How do I iterate over every field of an object or tuple type?
You can use the fieldPairs iterator:
for name, value in myObj.fieldPairs:
  echo name, ": ", value.
What is the difference between stack and heap memory?
Stack memory is used for short-lived, fixed-size data, like function call frames and local variables. Heap memory is used for dynamically-allocated data with longer lifetimes, like objects managed by the garbage collector.
Can Nim do pointer arithmetic?
Yes, Nim supports pointer arithmetic using the + and - operators (together with the cast keyword like cast[int] (myAddr)) with pointer types, but you should use it cautiously to avoid introducing unsafe behavior.
What is the difference between cint/cfloat and int/float?
cint and cfloat are Nim types corresponding to C’s int and float, ensuring compatibility with C libraries. Nim’s int and float are native Nim types, which may have different sizes or representations. In modern Nim, the c prefix stands for “compatible”, which includes the JS backend.
How do I define a recursive object type?
You can use a ref object to define a recursive type, like a tree or linked list:
  TreeNode = ref object
    value: int
    left, right: TreeNode
When should I use ‘ref object’ vs. plain ‘object’?
Use ref object when you need heap-allocated, mutable, or recursive objects. Use object for value types that are stack-allocated and passed by value.
How to store different data types in a sequence or array?
You can use a seq or array of a variant type, like a tuple or object with fields for each possible type, and a tag to indicate the active type.
How do you define a constructor?
In Nim, constructors are typically defined as regular procedures that return a new object. For example:
proc newMyObject(param: int): MyObject =
  result.value = param
How do you define a destructor?
In Nim, destructors are not commonly used, as the garbage collector handles memory deallocation. However, you can define a =destroy operator to customize the behavior if needed. For details see the Nim language manual and the ARC/ORC destructor-based deterministic memory management.
How do you define a procedure that takes types as parameters?
You can use proc parameters like “t: typedesc[O]”
  O = object
    x: float

proc p(t: typedesc[O]; i: int) =
  echo "a data type was passed as the first parameter: ", i

p(O, 7) # a data type was passed as the first parameter: 7
O.p(7) # same output. Nim's method call syntax makes procs "attached" to types work
What is the difference between a procedure, function, and method?
In Nim, procedures are routines that may modify the global state of the program, while functions are only allowed to change passed parameters. Methods are not that often used in Nim, but they are needed for dynamic runtime dispatch, e.g., when ref objects are used, and the dynamic runtime type is not identical to the static type.
What does ‘GC safe’ mean?
“GC safe” means that a piece of code can safely run in the presence of a garbage collector without causing issues or crashes related to memory management.
How to run code at compile time?
Expressions assigned to const values and macro code are always executed at compile time. Additionally, the static keyword can be used. For details, see the language manual.
Is there a restriction for Compile-Time Execution?
Compile-time execution can’t use runtime features like I/O, multithreading, or system libraries. It’s mainly used for code generation and static analysis.
How do you define a procedure that takes only constant expressions?
Use static procedure parameters:
proc p(i: static[int]) =
  echo i

  j = 7

  k = 13

p(k) # allowed

p(j) # error: required type for i: static[int]
Can I read a file at compile time?
Yes, you can use the staticExec or staticRead functions to read a file at compile time. For example:
const contents = staticRead("myfile.txt")
Can I execute an external command at compile time?
Yes, you can use the staticExec function to execute external commands at compile time:
const output = staticExec("mycommand")
What is a template?
A template is a simple form of code generation in Nim, similar to a macro but without the full power of AST manipulation. It allows you to define reusable pieces of code that get inlined during compilation.
What is an untyped parameter type?
An untyped parameter type is a generic parameter that can accept any type without enforcing a specific type constraint. It’s used in templates and macros to allow for more flexible code generation.
What is a typed parameter type?
A typed parameter type is a generic parameter that enforces a specific type constraint on the input. It can be used in procedures, templates, and macros to ensure type safety.
IDE or editor support for Nim?
Nim has support for popular text editors and IDEs like Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, Atom, Visual Studio Code, and JetBrains’ CLion. Plugins and extensions are available to provide syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and other features.
Is there a way to use Nim interactively? REPL for Nim?
Nim does not have an official REPL, but you can use third-party REPLs like “inim” (https://github.com/AndreiRegiani/INim) or “nimcr” (https://github.com/PMunch/nimcr).
Is there a list of Libraries or packages for Nim?
You can find public Nim libraries and packages on Nimble directory. More, not yet officially published packages, can be found on source code hosting platforms like GitHub or GitLab.
Which GUI libraries exist for Nim?
There are several GUI libraries available for Nim, including IUP, GTK, and Qt.
Can I embed NimScript in my program?
Yes, you can embed NimScript into your program using the nimscript module and its API to execute Nim code at runtime.
Is the Nim compiler itself written in Nim?
Yes, the Nim compiler is self-hosted, meaning it is written in Nim.
Can I use Nim on Android?
Yes, you can use Nim to develop applications for Android by cross-compiling for the Android platform and integrating with the Android NDK.
Can I use Nim on Windows?
Yes, Nim is supported on Windows and can be used to develop native Windows applications.
Can I use Nim on macOS?
Yes, Nim is supported on macOS and can be used to develop native macOS applications.
Can I use Nim on the iPhone?
Yes, you can use Nim to develop iOS applications by cross-compiling to the iOS platform and integrating with the iOS SDK.
How do I write faster code?
To write faster Nim code, consider using the appropriate data structures, algorithms, and optimizations like -d:release or –opt:speed. Profiling your code can help identify performance bottlenecks that can be optimized.
Which compiler option generates the fastest executable?
The -d:release or –opt:speed flags enable optimizations in the generated C/C++ code for the fastest executable. When you do not need any runtime checks, e.g., for already well-tested games, you can use the -d:danger option for maximum performance. Many other compiler options, including -d:lto for link-time optimization may decrease the size of the executable and increase performance.
Nim cannot be as fast as C, Zig, or Rust because Nim uses a garbage collector?
While garbage collection may introduce some overhead, Nim can still achieve performance comparable to C and Rust through optimizations, efficient data structures, and algorithms. Nim also allows for manual memory management when needed, which can help improve performance in critical sections of your code.
If there are unused procedures, do they make the executable file bigger?
Nim’s dead code elimination feature removes unused procedures and variables from the final executable, reducing its size.
Has Nim dead code elimination?
Yes, Nim has dead code elimination, which removes unused procedures and variables from the final executable, reducing its size.
What is a macro?
A macro is a powerful code generation feature in Nim that allows you to manipulate the abstract syntax tree (AST) at compile time to generate custom code based on the input.
Where can I ask a question about Nim?
You can ask questions about Nim on the official Nim forum, on StackOverflow, the Nim community on Reddit, or the Nim Gitter chat. For more, like IRC or various Telegram groups, see the official Nim website.
Where should I report security issues?
Security issues should be privately reported to the Nim core team by emailing security@nim-lang.org.
How do I donate to the Nim project?
You can donate to the Nim project through Open Collective (https://opencollective.com/nim) or via other methods listed on the Nim website Donate.
Do companies use Nim?
Yes, several companies use Nim for various projects, ranging from web development to system programming and scientific computing. The most prominent company is Status.im.
Have games been created with Nim?
Yes, there are various web-, mobile-, and desktop games developed using Nim; free, open-source games, and proprietary ones. You may use Google search, or consult the list in Games as a starting point.